Hand-Tied Bouquet Of 12 Red Roses
Want to woo someone with flowers? This is how you do it. Our artisan florists spiral no less than twelve long-stemmed red roses in the hand to create this magnificent bunch. It’s then beautifully gift-wrapped and hand-delivered for a truly magical doorstep moment. About this gift: An expertly hand-crafted bouquet of 12 long-stemmed premium red roses Beautifully presented in kind-to-the-planet packaging A safe choice for pet owners and hay fever sufferers Contactless delivery for your peace of mind Make it extra special by adding a finishing touch at the checkout.
Happy Anniversary 12 Red Rose Hand-Tied
Want to show them you really care? Then look no further. One of our exceptional florists will twirl twelve long-stemmed red roses by hand to create this stunning gift. We’ll then wrap this bunch of blooms beautifully ready to deliver by hand or have ready for you to collect.